We all know that good things take time but that assumes that you are on the right path. In fact, some people are so confused, as if one is heading to Siberia and the other to Newfoundland. Unfortunately the dynamic is heavily sexist, with women (generally) waiting around for the man to decide what he wants.
We are all patient but patience has a limit, especially for aspiring wives and mothers. This is aggravated by the fact that men tend to mature later, affording them the luxury of taking their time and “feeling things out”.
Cutting to the chase, how can you tell when a man is about to propose?
I would love nothing more for everyone than to find their soulmate.
However, before you make the appointment with the wedding officiant, there is one tinsy (tiny) detail that you have to hammer out…
The ring.
As you can probably know, there is no way to force a man to do anything. On the flip side, if he does want to do something, there is nothing that can come between him and his dream. To clarify, a man behaves a certain way when he is planning something big, especially as massive as a marriage proposal.
Without any more caveats and contigients, here is my list of 10 signs that a man is marriage-minded.
He introduces you to his closest family and friends.
He does not hide his phone.
He discusses; buy a house, school choice, or family dinners.
He takes the time to get to know young children around your social circle.
He invites you to a wedding, showing interest in the event.
He is involved in organized cultural or religious events. Discusses traditions, morals, or legacy.
He has friends who are married, discussing hanging out with them on a “double date”.
Has a fiscally conservative mentality, thinking about the future and planning accordingly.
He holds himself out as your boyfriend, behaving chivilous and so forth.
He asks you what your ring size is and whether you prefer princess-cut or something different.
Obviously the last one was pretty obvious but allow me to have a little fun.
Here are some definite signs that we are not going to book a rehearsal anytime soon.
He cannot stop talking about another woman (or women).
He talks negatively about marriage, seeing it “unfair” or “archaic”.
He discusses the irrelevant nature of marriage, name-dropping friends who are happily common law.
He is highly critical of social institutions, especially the government itnerfering in personal matters.
He does not believe in monogamy or having children.
I sincerely hope that you are in a relationship with a man that exhibits the first categories and not the latter.
Whether you want to elope in the park, have a Jewish Wedding in Toronto, or have a breathtaking wedding under the stars, I hope that all your dreams come true.
If you have questions about getting married in Toronto please hit me up!
Brother Jeremy
